Mohammed C. Ali(已出站)

发布时间:2014-09-09 00:00:00  |   作者:  |   阅读人数:340


 Mohammad Chand Ali, Ph.D.


E-mail: [email protected]



PhD: April’ 2009 - March’ 2012, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

MSc: April’ 2003 - March’ 2005, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

BSc: April’ 1999 - March’ 2003, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

HSC (Higher Secondary School Certificate): 1997, Bheramara College, Kushtia, Bangladesh.

SSC (Secondary School Certificate): 1995, Bheramara Pilot High School, Kushtia, Bangladesh.



April’ 2014 – Present, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, China

April’ 2012 –March’2014, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

Aug’ 2005 - March’ 2008, Research Officer, Laboratory Department, South China Bleaching and Dyeing Company, Dhaka Export Processing Zone, Dhaka, Bangladesh.



Selected Publications

1. Mohammad C. Ali, Takeshi Kawasaki, Masanobu Nogami, Morihisa Saeki, Yuji Sasaki, Yasuhisa Ikeda. Selective extraction of perrhenate anion in nitric acid solution using 2,2’-(methylimino)bis(N,N’-diethylacetamide) as an extractant. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 53 (2011) 1005-1008.


2. Mohammad C. Ali, Tomoya Suzuki, Yu Tachibana, Yuji Sasaki, Yasuhisa Ikeda. Selective extraction of perrhenate anion in nitric acid solution using 2,2’-(imino)bis(N,N’-dioctylacetamide) as an extractant. Separation and Purification Technology, 92 (2012) 77-82.


3. Mohammad C. Ali, Takeshi Kawasaki, Yuji Sasaki, Yasuhisa Ikeda, Synthesis and crystal structures of Eu(III) and Sm(III) perrhenate complexes with 2,2’-(imino)bis(N,N’-diethylacetamide): As a model for TcO4- separation. Polyhedron, (2013).